Runtime: 5 min 7 sec · Uploaded Sat 16 April

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Japanese Perfect Master: Lesson 5

Now we’re going to have a quick recap of the last few lessons and then go shopping in Japanese! We can ask someone to describe something to us and how much it costs.

いらっしゃいませ。 is a typical greeting to welcome customers.


Tom-san and Mike-san try to figure out what things belong to whom in the first conversation - much like the end of Lesson 4. Treat this like recap. Tom-san and Mike-san go into a bit more depth combing phrases and questions from previous lessons.

Activity ①
Pause the video after you hear the conversation a second time. See if you can understand the conversation, at 1:31
1. Does Mike-san have his umbrella?
2. Who does the other umbrella belong to?
3. Where is Mike-san’s bag in relation to him?
4. Does the pen belong to Tom-san?


This conversation is between the Sales Assistant and Catherine-san. It flows very much like it would in a typical store in Japan. Catherine-san sees a watch she likes and asks some questions about it.

Activity ②
Pause the video after you hear the conversation a second time. See if you can understand the conversation at 2:44
1. Where was the watch made?
2. How much does the watch cost?
3. Does Catherine-san buy the watch?


Catherine-san walks into another shop.

Activity ③
Pause the video after you hear the conversation a second time. See if you can understand the conversation at 3:51
1. What item does Catherine want to buy
2. What brand is it?
3. How much does it cost?
4. Does she buy it?


Activity ④
Congratulations! You’ve made it through the video and you can go shopping in Japanese now. We’ll be the sales assistant. Pick something from around you that you know the name of, and see if you can go shopping for another. The video has pauses in it for you to reply, but you can stop the video yourself if you need longer to think about it.

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