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Quick Quizzes
Recap what you've learnt
Post-lesson quiz sheets are a helpful snippet to look back at what you've just mastered.
Real Conversations
Only the useful parts
We use conversation practice in every lesson for you to practice your speaking and comprehension only using the useful parts.
Online Content
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Our books have even more content available online! You can register your book for access to the quizzes and references on our online platform.
Accompanying conversations
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Once you purchace the book, it's yours to take with you whereever you go. Study on the train, plane whenever you have the time.
Vocabulary Lists
Learn helpful words at a glance
Your own private dictionary at the end of the book is a great place to keep track of all the Japanese words and Kanji we use.
Not just quizzes
We have a few other charts and worksheets to help you remember finer points of Japanese which are availabe online to print out at home.
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